督凯提公司(DUCATI Energia) 1909年诺贝尔物理奖获得者、世界第一套无线电收发装置的发明者意大利人马可尼与督凯提家族于1926年创建的 DUCATIenergia 公司,至今已有90年的历史。
督凯提公司(DUCATI Energia) 发展至今已经成为一家集团性质公司,在欧洲有六家工厂,产品涉及九个领域:电容器、风能设备、电力仪表、高速公路的SOS呼叫系统、车库的记费管理系统、轻燃料车、电池汽车、摩托车马达、铁路控制系统等。DUCATI energia 生产的电力电容器,产品电压等级齐全、种类丰富、销售机构完善、服务团队经验丰富,年销售额超过6亿欧元,是全球电容器市场的主要供货商之一。在全球100多个国家和地区设置了分支机构。
DUCATI Energia owns its fame to the Ducati brothers who established DUCATI company in 1926; 22 years later, DUCATI was split in two other companies, DUCATI Elettrotecnica and DUCATI Meccanica (today DUCATI Motor).
DUCATI Energia was founded in 1985 due to the merge of DUCATI Elettrotecnica and Zanussi Elettromeccanica and nowadays it’s considered one of the most important company in the Bologna area.
DUCATI Energia Group assets a staff list of about 900 employees working in its 9 worldwide plants. The main fields of activities are the following: capacitors, power factor correction and power electronics, wind power generators, alternators and ignition systems, electrical vehicles and charging stations, energy analysers, electric network tele-control systems, railway signalling systems, ticket issuing and transport automation systems.
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